L Class Product Accessories
Transport Totes
LA108 and LA112 Totes
Heavy-duty transport tote with Velcro flap made with weather resistant Nylon/Cordura® material for one LA108/LA112 loudspeaker.
Transport Cover
LS118 Transport Cover
Soft transport cover made with heavy-duty Nylon/Cordura® material, with grille guard, for the KS118 and LS118 subwoofers.
Stack Adapter Kits
LA108 and LA112 Stack Adapter Kits
Stack adapter kit to combine with LA108/LA112 Array Frame, allowing to stack an LA108 loudspeaker array over an LS118/KS118 subwoofer(s) and LA112 loudspeaker array over an LS118 subwoofer(s).
Jumper Kits
LA108/LA112 and LS118 Jumper Kits
LA-KIT-J and LA-KIT-J-NA & LS-KIT-J and LS-KIT-J-NA for L Class Product
LS118 Loudspeaker Poles
SP-26 Loudspeaker Pole and SP-36 Loudspeaker Pole
Speaker poles for the LS118 subwoofers.
LS118 Subwoofer Eyebolt Kit
M10 Eyebolt Kit-S
M10 steel eyebolt kit for suspending QSC LS118 Subwoofer.
Installation Kit
LA108 and LA112 Installation Kit
Installation kit containing 2x Shackle Adapters and 1x Pullback Eyebolt for LA108 and LA112 Loudspeakers