Image of TouchMix Digital Mixers, Image text: TouchMix Firmware and Control App

New iOS Control Apps for all TouchMix Mixers

Announcing new iOS TouchMix Control Apps for iPhone and iPad devices for all TouchMix mixers providing full compatibility with the latest iOS17.4 update.

With TouchMix-30 Pro firmware version 3.0, Scenes, Snapshots and Cue Lists can be used to store and recall mixer settings. Scenes provide the ability to store and recall the entire mixer configuration, while Snapshots allow to save and recall selected settings for designated channels without affecting other mixer settings. Cue Lists select and arrange Scenes, Snapshots and audio files into a predetermined sequence for recall during a show, while offline editing provides the ability to create and edit mixer configurations without the mixer being connected to Wi-Fi.

Image of the back of TouchMix-30 Pro

Attention Android Users:​
Please verify that the new TouchMix-30 Pro Android App will download/install on your tablet before downloading the mixer v3.0 Firmware.
Due to the nature of Android device design, some older and/or less powerful devices are incompatible with firmware v3.0. It is also possible that some newer devices may deliver a less than optimum user experience. In this case, firmware v2.0 remains available for restoration of your TouchMix mixer to its previously known, stable state.​

Control App


Please read the Release Notes and the Windows or macOS® installation instructions below prior to downloading firmware

Windows DAW USB Driver

Image text: ASIO Compatible, ASIO is a registered trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH


TouchMix-30 Pro supports macOS® DAW natively via Core Audio. No additional driver required.

Image of TouchMix-8 and TouchMix-16

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